Community Impact Team
We have a mission
To focus on Community Impact in the specific areas of Community, Family, and Social Issues in support of the churches, pastors, ministries, and staff within the Corpus Christi Baptist Association
To reflect Christ – always looking for His will and higher results.
To network, leverage, collaborate, and equip churches and other partners in an effort to have a positive impact on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people in the communit
The Mission
The mission for the team is to focus on Community Impact in the specific areas of Outreach, Evangelism, Community, Family, and Social Issues in support of the churches, pastors, ministries, and staff within the Corpus Christi Baptist Association. Throughout this mission our passions are to reflect Christ – always looking for His will and higher results. The team will network, leverage, collaborate, and equip churches and other partners in an effort to have a positive impact on the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people in the community.
Measurable Goals and Objectives
Based on initial surveys and diagnostic interviews “Key Issues” and “Next Steps” were identified in the area of Community Impact. The team will prioritize the most important issue(s) in the community today and collaborate with churches and individuals who participated in the discovery process.
The team will utilize information and data to measure concerns and resources in the communities. Data related to key issues and concerns will determine targeted priorities. Measurable goals and objectives will be established in order to monitor effectiveness as the team initiates new or improved strategies.
Community data will be tracked, analyzed and monitored in order to measure success. The team will also measure the number of churches and individuals utilizing their services and, as appropriate, utilize formal feedback and surveys to assess the progress of the team.
The composition of the Community Impact Team will consist of a core group of 6 to 12 members who are passionate about the mission of community impact. Members may serve as long as they have a passion for the mission. All members must be approved by the Community Impact Team Leader. Members with an active interest or expertise in community impact will continually be recruited to serve on the team. As much as possible the team composition should be made of members who represent a wide diversity of constituents.
Team Leader
The team leader will have history of community involvement, knowledge of community issues, networking capabilities, ability to target, track, measure outcomes, and be committed to lead and facilitate the team in an order to successfully fulfill the mission. The team leader will serve as a member of the Administrative Team, adhere to commitments, and interact in a professional appropriate manner. The team leader should also represent Christ in testimony and be cognizant of the integrity of the mission and God’s Kingdom.
Assistant Team Leader
The assistant team leader will compliment the team leader and support the team with encouragement and enthusiasm. The assistant team leader will fill in for the team leader during any absences and take a right hand role in the mission and promotion of the Community Impact Team. This person is administrative minded and loves planning events and organizing people to get the job done. Also, thinks through the logistics for mobilizing the group(s) and individuals in order to accomplish the mission.
Prayer Leader
The prayer leader will be responsible for initiating and ensuring the spiritual component of the team. Prayer leaders are those who, through encouragement, can restore confidence and enthusiasm to a group of people. Good prayer leaders are constantly reminding people of their value, of God’s love, of the promises of Scripture, and promise that all things are possible through Christ. The fulfillment of the team’s mission is to be obedient to God’s two greatest commandments. First to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Role of the Team (What the team can do)
The Community Impact Team equips churches to reach their communities through evangelism training, local missions, and impactful church and community ministries. This team provides resources, guidance, and hands-on support to help congregations engage their neighbors with the gospel. Additionally, they maintain an evangelism trailer stocked with tools to assist churches in outreach efforts, ensuring they have everything needed to make a lasting spiritual impact.
Role of the Team (What the Team Can Not Do)
The team is committed to community impact strategies, goals and objectives. The team cannot deviate from the intent of the team’s mission and prospective. The team is accountable for financial forecasts and plans to ensure that overspending is not an option. The team will approach initiatives that do not compromise or negatively impact the God we represent, Christ we serve and the mission we promote.
Authority and Empowerment
The Community Impact Team acknowledges the authority set by the Administrative Team and is dedicated to promoting community impact within the established guidelines and policies. The team has the latitude to work jointly with the Leadership Development Team and Church Development Team on initiatives and projects that coincide with same or similar interests. The team is responsible to establish appropriate roles of authority and empowerment for each initiative and project. Roles of authority and empowerment should be carefully calculated to ensure the appropriate checks and balances are present and functional.
Team operations are critical so that a system is dedicated to providing services and solutions to community issues. Team operations involve building relationships, communicating (internally and externally) through planning, prioritizing, skill-building and engaging good community involvement to daily interaction. Positive coordination will build stronger relationships and brings credibility and confidence in the mission.
Want to join the Community Impact Team?
To become part of this vital team to reach our communities for Christ, please e-mail us at